Friday, May 13, 2011

Blowin' in the Wind

Blowin' in the Wind

I really do not like to hear children sing. It just weirds me out, make me feel uncomfortable. The kids from the school's choir performed Bob Dylan's Blowin' in the Wind during assembly yesterday. Now I've just said that I do not like children singing, but it makes me happy to see them perform. (Discuss that one for a while and figure it out.) I was so happy to see them on stage and enjoying their expression. Before I knew it, the words to the song were triggering many thoughts in my mind and bringing some emotions to the surface. Think about all that's been going on in the world news headlines lately (violence in Libya and Syria, jubilation over Bin Laden's death) . Think about what's been happening, locally, in Kampala lately (police and military brutality and general difficulty of many to acquire the necessities of life). How many roads must a man walk down?

Mom came to mind as I listened to and processed the lyrics, and I went onto iTunes to download Peter, Paul and Mary's harmonious version of the song that brings back pleasant childhood memories.

It turned into a Blowin' in the Wind shopping spree on iTunes. I felt like I must have Dylan's original version, and I could not resist folk- and protest-music icon, Joan Baez's, cover of the tune.

It was my discovery Etta James' soul-laced disco (with vocals that made me think of Annie Lennox) version of Blowin' in the Wind that etched a smile on my face. Highly unsuspected and entertaining.

I just love Alanis and think everything she does is emotionally real and pretty great. I didn't find her version on iTunes, but stumbled across it as I prepared this post.

Yes, how many times can a man turn his head, pretending he just doesn't see?

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