Ramblings of things that catch my ever-shifting attention. Well written? Only by accident. Deep thoughts that will enlighten and inspire? I hope not. A candid, yet often superficial, glimpse of the churning information in my mind? Possibly.
Just wait.
I’d not seen my friend Beth (BMac) since our Peace Corps days… 4 years ago! She’s a librarian and she’s killed a goat with her bare hands, so yeah, she’s hardcore. I <3 her, and we had an amazing 3 days together. I’d never been to Boston before, and being the patriotic American that I am (and often accused of not being), I was excited to walk the Freedom Trail. It’s amazing how many Starbuck’s Coffee shops there are along that red path.
Other highlights of my holiday within a holiday included:
I was also introduced to the website: go fug yourself (http://gofugyourself.celebuzz.com). It’s fabulously written by Alexis Carrington (aka Heather) and Brenda Walsh (aka Jessica).
On the down side, Beth and I had burritos yesterday before going to see Mamma Mia at a place called Fajitas & ’Ritas.
The Margaritas were quite nice, but, come on, what kind of glass is this?