Thursday, August 23, 2007

Traffic, Boobs and Caterpillars

I've been having much more traffic than normal on my blog these days, so I check on the referrals to see where everyone was coming from. I have two fellow bloggers to thank for referring to and linking to my blog in recent posts:

Dave from, one of my all-time favorite blogs. I can often be seen around town sporting a Bad Monkey t-shirt; it's a Dave creation.


Baz from, one of my new favorite blogs. I've been a fan of Baz's writing for years. If you aren't already a regular reader, check out his blog.

I also noticed that others have found my blog in search of boobs, both Ugandan and bridesmaids'.

(Speaking of nudity--been doing that a lot lately...frustration--a friend introduced me to a blog written by this porn star. It's truly, truly interesting. The writer began the blog before breaking into the adult film biz and has chronicled the journey. Earlier entries gave more insight on personal life and thoughts, but now it's all films, calendars and meet and greets. Occasional words are wisdom are offered there is no shortage of photos. Not for everyone.)

Oh, and a couple wanted to know about caterpillars in swimming pool.

Just so you know, they are not allowed.

On a more personal note (It was brought to my attention yesterday by a friend that I rarely make reference to my personal life on my blog), I started back to work today. I know this might sound sick, but I really enjoyed it. I've been on break for almost two months. I'm well-rested (mentally and phyically) and ready to get back to being a productive contributor to society. It was great seeing most of my colleagues again and meeting the new ones. Right now I'm really excited about starting up again.


Dave2 said...

Mankind's love of boobs crosses all cultural, political, and socio-economical boundaries... the mere mention of boobs on a blog guarantees an increase in global site trafiic because of it!

Kitara said...

I just read 'A short history of tractors in Ukranian'. It's been absolute ages since I read a book that funny. Marina Lewycka has another book out called Two Caravans. I'll give it a go. One of my colleagues says it's as good as the the first one.

yellojkt said...

A porn star blog and no link. What a tease!