Saturday, January 22, 2011

Just Gettin' Back in the Habit

Just Gettin' Back in the Habit

In my last post, I compared blogging to going to the gym. And I stand by that assertion. I should know; I'm trying to get back into both this very week. Tough work. After a month of neither running or swimming, both activities have kicked my proverbial 'ass' while at the same time (I hope) reduced the size of the actual one. Getting back into the habit of typing up and sharing my most superficial, random-yet-entertaining-to-my-simple-mind thoughts has also be a 'proverbial ass'-kicker. But I'm building my stamina for both.

I've got to get out of my flat more. Social commentary does not come and knock on your door (or at least my door). So if I'm going to find something interesting to write about, I'm going to have to be a bit more social. Right now I'm stuck with commenting on me. I know, I know. I'm also not to thrilled with the topic either.

Thirty'effing'five was recently acknowledged and (because there's no stopping it) celebrated in KLA. Three amazing women, knowing my love for the work of some Ugandan artists, brought me an amazing gift: a painting by Nakibinge Anwar. Anwar is an acclaimed Ugandan artist, and he has been one of my favourite artists for years. I've wanted one of his paintings since the first time I saw his work. Now I have one.

I love the bright colours and textures of his paintings. His subjects and choices for canvases are also very creative.

I want another one.
And I know just where I'll hang it.
Be careful Kels.

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