Sunday, May 20, 2007

The New Balm of Gilead

It is amazing how well free wireless internet can heal the wounds inflicted by change and bad paint jobs. I am sitting at a table in the restaurant of the establishment I blogged about in my previous post fully connected to free internet. As if I didn’t already have an unhealthy obsession with this place. They’re never gonna get me out of here now. Oh, the damage this is going to do to my wallet. I’ve already had a cappuccino, and now I’m feeling a bit hungry and am tempted by the yummy goats meat they have roasting. I’m trying to be very cheap this week because, basically, I’m broke. I had to pay school fees for two children this month, and that took a significant chunk my funds. What one will do for love!

The goodbye party for the goddess in my life was yesterday. She’s off for Vietnam in a week. I’ve only known her for a brief period, but we really connected. I love being with her. Most of the time we spend together is sweating and panting (gonna have to find a new running partner), and it is always fun: laughing about past loves and future hopes and criteria, plotting homes for me to wreck (Only in our imaginations. I'm no home-wrecker. Purely fantasy but not so pure.), sneaking into the gym (See. Not so pure. Makes me feel a bit Jack McFarlandish.) One week to go. What can we get ourselves into this week?


Scarlett Lion said...

Quality Hill has free internet? I'm there...

I've had an "incident" at Cafe Pap...

read about it here..
Cafe Pap Strikes Back

(read the original story it's linked too also, since that's what got it started)

(okay, I don't know how to hyperlink on comments, I'm not that cool.)

The 27th Comrade said...

Heh. I won't let you in how deep in the gutter my mind went when you talked of sweating and panting ... oh, damn. Now you know. :o(

Timothy said...

Sorry, Scarlett Lion, but I was not talking about Quality Hill. The logo is at the bottom of the page for another reason. Kind of an inside joke. I was referring to a place in Bugolobi, but it will remain nameless since I spoke negatively of it in a previous post. If you are familiar with Bugolobi, you'll figure it out.