Ramblings of things that catch my ever-shifting attention. Well written? Only by accident. Deep thoughts that will enlighten and inspire? I hope not. A candid, yet often superficial, glimpse of the churning information in my mind? Possibly.
Get Happy!
What a great weekend! I went for a 13km run on Saturday morning, there was a barbeque at a friend of a friend’s on Saturday night, and Sunday morning I made a successful attempt to host a brunch where I made waffles for the first time—and they came out great!
Another perk of housesitting: a waffle iron at my disposal. I've wanted one for years. The one I used this morning was this Presto model.
It's handy-dandy and fun to use. I love the way it flips, and the built-in timer is super helpful.
My boys came over, and we spent the day eating and watching Twilight, season 7 of Friends, Jumping Jack Flash and the 100th episode of So You Think You Can Dance—the one where Katy Holmes performed Liza’s Get Happy.
Who knew that Katie was musical? Not the most amazing voice, but she hit the notes. I'm not sure why she was asked to perform other than to promote her charity, but it was not a painful performance. Look at those legs!
So after all that crazy corruption stuff in New Jersey last week, I was happy to find out today via a rerun of Saturday Night Live and later the BBC that the state has decided not to ban bikini waxing. Two women were hospitalized from an infection they developed after being waxed, and the state lawmakers went nuts. I guess that is old news (from way back in March), but it’s news to me. Yeah, women were telling the state to “stay out of our pants,” and there were jokes about “the overgrown garden state” and “the garden state maybe extra lush this summer.”
How could I not have known about this when it was a hot story?
I had a date tonight with my favourite princess and a half-blood prince. RoRo finally came out of the bush, and it was a pleasure to have her on my arm as my date for the evening. Even suffering from a cold, which she jokingly/seriously thinks is H1N1, she is a dazzling beauty.
We went to see the latest installment in the Harry Potter series—no picnic before hand, not as creative of an outing as the one BMac slept through, but we did meet for juice, coffee and cinnamon buns before the show. Two friends me us for the show, but one had never seen any of the other Harry Potter films, nor had he read any of the books—no better place to start than the sixth one. He was lost and did not have a very high opinion of the film. I, on the other hand, really like this film; it was one of my favourites in the saga of Harry Potter so far. My other two favourites are The Prisoner of Askaban and The Order of the Phoenix. My least favourite is The Goblet of Fire. The Half-Prince installment was quite dark. Of course, it would have to be with the death of a main character. The actors are maturing with their characters and are becoming better actors with each film. I appreciate how the Harry Potter films have relied more on story and characters to drive the film more than special effects as the series has progressed. The first two and the fourth films were too eye candy heavy for my taste.
Tuesday is half-price movie day at Cineplex, so I also caught the 2 o’clock showing of He’s Just Not Into You. Yes, some films take a lifetime to arrive in Kampala; HJNIY was showing in the UK when I was there in February. However others, like The Half-Blood Prince, open here at the same time they do worldwide. HJNIY received mixed review, and my review (if I was giving one) would be just that: mixed. Some parts of the film were great, but I did find myself checking my watch for the time, which is not a good thing. A positive statement: I think this is the first film I ever enjoyed a character played by Ben Affleck. I got a little choked up when he was washing the dishes. Ginnifer Goodwin is fantastic. The reason I decided to see this film… Drew Barrymore. I’ve expressed my admiration of drew on my blog before. I love Drew. I think she is amazing. She is a beautiful creature. I’m really looking forward to finally seeing Grey Gardens, which just came out on DVD.
By the way, her directorial debut, Whip It, is scheduled to be released on 9th October. Drew+roller derby+Juliette Lewis+Eve+Jimmy Fallon=A MUST SEE!!!
Rain Forest Sundays Can Get You Down
This was a fantastic Sunday. I went with three friends to spend a day at the Rain Forest Lodge in Mabira Forest. I blogged about stopping by there on the way back from Jinja after the hash relay there two weeks ago. I still think the place is stunningly beautiful. We spent the day pool side; the water was icy, but jumping into the cold water after spending time in the sauna was very refreshing. Lawrence, the guy by the pool, was a big help and very friendly. If only the rest of the staff were that useful… Lunch was more stressful than it was worth. A set menu: set soup, set salad, choice of a main course, set dessert, 30,000 shillings, done. Simple, right? I wish. The incompetence of the staff in the restaurant was almost bad enough to ruin an otherwise great day. After waiting an hour for the meals to be prepared, they still came incomplete, then either the waiter or the chef tried to change the price and add charges. Apparently they were not prepared to accommodate the crowd of today, so some parts of the meal either did not come at all or the portions were significantly reduced. True to my fashion, I insisted on seeing the manager. He was friendly enough, but I felt his response to my concerns seemed to rehearsed and fake. I could almost accept this as just a fluke, a bad day in the kitchen, but I was warned about the restaurant by a friend of mine before I came. His sister was there in the past and also had a horrible experience. It’s quite a shame because the place is so beautiful. The food that we did get was well presented and tasty.
Fan=Stalker? Bacon and Eggs
This will be brief and be registered as my Wednesday post, but I feel that it is my Tuesday one. I'm just in a bit late.
I spent a bit of time at school today. Work. Perfectionist tendencies. Blah. Blah. Blah. All that equates to a lot of time.
I met Leo at at a pizza place at the mall; we ended up meeting some more friends at Kamwokya, and from there we headed to Katch the Sun in Bugolobi to watch Qwela Band. It was fun, almost too much fun for a Tuesday night. But I'm on vacation, right? Even if I have to be at work at 8:30am tomorrow. Working with Jeanie is great! I don't have to think, just do.
You know how I like gossip, right? Well, it's the fourth goal of Peace Corps--Uganda (according to BMAC, and she's an authority), and I was eavesdropping on a conversation between two people at the pizza place at the mall, and they happen to be Peace Corps volunteers in Uganda!!! So, of course I had to get the dish. Turns out, the guy is being send home early (sad, I know). That is admin sepped in PC terminology (thanks B!). I did not catch all of the details (eavesdropping, remember), but it had something with cohabiting at site. Juicy. Whatever the deal, I'm really sad he could not finish his service. Completing one's service is amazing. You forever hold the title of RPCV with pride.
Ok, I'm off to slumberland.
I just got home from watching Qwela Band, one of my favourite performing groups in Uganda. They perform every Friday night at Emin Pasha. Lounging on a sofa with friends on the balcony listening the eclectic mix of live music as interpreted by Qwela is a great way to unwind from any week. I’ve become a pretty regular groupie. I first heard of the band’s Friday night gig from one of the singers, Anita, who I acted with in a play last October (September?). However, it took me a few months before I attended a performance, but once I did, I was hooked. My two favourite songs they perform are covers of Summertime and Ordinary People. They have a great style, and the singers have fantastic voices.
I’m on a live music kick. I plan to go see Maurice Kirya again tomorrow night. I hear he’s going to be live at Lotus Mexican Cantina—Saturday night, 11th July at 7:00pm. Join me?
I’m going to make a short post since it is so late—places to be early in the morning. I wanted to at least post something today since I did not make one yesterday. I dozed off on the sofa at 5:30 yesterday afternoon and woke up at 2:00am, so I just stumbled to bed and slept until 6:30 this morning. Yes, that is 11 hours of sleep. I was really tired; I guess I needed to catch up on a lot of sleep.
I think I’m getting too comfortable in my surroundings… and that’s not really a safe thing. One thing I advise visitors to Kampala when they ask for safety tips is to remember that Kampala is a big city. Treat it that way. That’s why I got pretty frustrated with myself as I found myself walking home alone tonight up the dark hill to my flat. What was I thinking? I guess I wasn’t. I mean it was pretty late and really dark. I’ve seen people robbed on that street. I always think it will never happen to me… until it does. I cannot afford to be complacent about my security. Was it complacency or curiosity that killed the cat?